Serverless and Secure

Serverlos sicher

Sécurité des environnements sans serveur

Aplicaciones sin servidor seguras

Serverless and Secure


Serverless and Secure



Serverless and Secure

Serverless and Secure

Securely enable serverless apps on AWS® Lambda

So stellen Sie serverlose Anwendungen sicher auf AWS® Lambda bereit

Sécurisez vos applications sans serveur sur AWS® Lambda

Habilite aplicaciones sin servidor de forma segura en AWS® Lambda

Securely enable serverless apps on AWS® Lambda

Securely enable serverless apps on AWS® Lambda

在 AWS® Lambda 中安全地启用无服务器应用

在 AWS® Lambda

Securely enable serverless apps on AWS® Lambda

See what you’ll need to secure a serverless world

Was Sie zum Schutz einer serverlosen Umgebung brauchen

Découvrez comment protéger votre environnement sans serveur

Compruebe qué necesita para proteger un mundo sin servidores

See what you’ll need to secure a serverless world

See what you’ll need to secure a serverless world



See what you’ll need to secure a serverless world

AWS® Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform that’s part of Amazon Web Services.

Whether your organization is still exploring serverless architecture or taking its first steps into a serverless world, we believe best practices are critical for successfully building robust, secure and reliable AWS Lambda-based applications.

We’ve designed this new AWS Lambda Security Best Practices e-book as a security awareness and education guide for organizations developing serverless applications on AWS Lambda. 

Get your free copy to learn about: 

  • AWS Lambda basics, including logging and audit trails
  • Serverless security’s top risks, including identity and access management
  • Scalability and how to avoid denial-of-service attacks
  • Compliance and governance for AWS Lambda with AWS Config

You’ll see how Prisma™ Cloud is uniquely positioned to secure AWS Lambda environments and serverless apps. The book will walk you through best practices you can use to design, develop and test your serverless apps to maximize efficiency and minimize security risk.

AWS® Lambda ist eine ereignisgesteuerte Plattform von Amazon Web Services für serverlose Architekturen.

Wir sind davon überzeugt, das Best Practices eine wichtige Grundlage für die Entwicklung sicherer und zuverlässiger Anwendungen auf der Basis von AWS Lambda bilden. Das gilt sowohl für Unternehmen, die sich zunächst noch nur in der Theorie mit serverlosen Umgebungen befassen, als auch für Vorreiter, die bereits den Schritt zu einer serverlosen Unternehmens-IT gewagt haben.

In unserem neuen E-Book mit Best Practices für eine sichere Bereitstellung auf AWS Lambda geben wir Hinweise dazu, wie Unternehmen das Sicherheitsbewusstsein bei der Entwicklung serverloser Anwendungen auf AWS Lambda schärfen können. 

Fordern Sie Ihr kostenloses Exemplar an und erfahren Sie mehr über: 

  • Grundlagen zu AWS Lambda, einschließlich Protokollierungsfunktionen und auditfähigen Berichten
  • Sicherheitsrisiken beim Identitäts- und Zugriffsmanagement
  • Skalierbarkeit und Schutz vor Denial-of-Service-Angriffen
  • Compliance und Governance für AWS Lambda mit AWS Config

Sie erfahren, warum Prisma™ Cloud sich hervorragend für den Schutz von AWS Lambda-Umgebungen und serverlosen Architekturen eignet. Die Best Practices in diesem E-Book geben Ihnen Anhaltspunkte zum Entwickeln und Testen Ihrer serverlosen Anwendungen, damit Ihre Unternehmensabläufe effizient funktionieren und Risiken weitestgehend ausgeschaltet werden.

Partie intégrante d'Amazon Web Services, AWS® Lambda est une plateforme informatique sans serveur basée sur les évènements.

Que votre migration vers une architecture sans serveur soit à l'étude ou en cours d'implémentation, le développement d’applications AWS Lambda robustes, sécurisées et fiables doit obéir à un certain nombre de bonnes pratiques.

Le nouvel eBook Bonnes pratiques de sécurité AWS Lambda se présente comme un outil de sensibilisation et de pédagogie conçu pour accompagner les entreprises qui développent des applications sans serveur sur AWS Lambda.

Recevez votre exemplaire gratuit et découvrez : 

  • Les bases d'AWS Lambda, y compris les pratiques de journalisation et les pistes d'audit
  • Les principaux risques inhérents à la technologie sans serveur, notamment sur le plan de la gestion des identités et des accès (IAM)
  • Les moyens de blocage des attaques par déni de service (DoS)
  • L'utilisation d'AWS Config pour répondre aux exigences de conformité et de gouvernance dans AWS Lamba

Vous y découvrirez pourquoi Prisma™ Cloud s'impose comme la solution idéale pour sécuriser les environnements AWS Lambda et les applications sans serveur. Enfin, notre eBook passera en revue les bonnes pratiques pour concevoir, développer et tester des applications sans serveur capables de réduire les risques de sécurité sur AWS Lambda.

AWS® Lambda es una plataforma de computación sin servidor basada en eventos e integrada en Amazon Web Services.

Con independencia de si su organización todavía está estudiando las arquitecturas sin servidor o si ya está dando sus primeros pasos en un mundo sin servidores, creemos que seguir las prácticas recomendadas es fundamental para desarrollar aplicaciones basadas en AWS Lambda que sean robustas, seguras y fiables.

Por eso hemos diseñado nuestro nuevo libro electrónico, «AWS Lambda Security Best Practices»  («Prácticas recomendadas de seguridad para AWS Lambda»), pensando en las organizaciones que estén empezando a desarrollar aplicaciones sin servidor en esta plataforma. 

Obtenga su copia gratuita y aprenda sobre los siguientes temas: 

  • Conceptos básicos de AWS Lambda, como la creación de logs y los registros de auditoría
  • Principales riesgos de seguridad que plantean las arquitecturas sin servidor, incluida la gestión de identidades y accesos
  • Escalabilidad y prevención de ataques por denegación de servicio
  • Cumplimiento normativo y gobernanza para AWS Lambda con AWS Config

Compruebe por qué Prisma™ Cloud protege como ningún otro servicio los entornos AWS Lambda y las aplicaciones sin servidor. El libro realiza un recorrido por las prácticas recomendadas que le permitirá diseñar, desarrollar y probar sus aplicaciones sin servidor, y conseguir la máxima eficiencia reduciendo el riesgo de seguridad al mínimo.

AWS® Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform that’s part of Amazon Web Services.

Whether your organization is still exploring serverless architecture or taking its first steps into a serverless world, we believe best practices are critical for successfully building robust, secure and reliable AWS Lambda-based applications.

We’ve designed this new AWS Lambda Security Best Practices e-book as a security awareness and education guide for organizations developing serverless applications on AWS Lambda. 

Get your free copy to learn about: 

  • AWS Lambda basics, including logging and audit trails
  • Serverless security’s top risks, including identity and access management
  • Scalability and how to avoid denial-of-service attacks
  • Compliance and governance for AWS Lambda with AWS Config

You’ll see how Prisma™ Cloud is uniquely positioned to secure AWS Lambda environments and serverless apps. The book will walk you through best practices you can use to design, develop and test your serverless apps to maximize efficiency and minimize security risk.

AWS® Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform that’s part of Amazon Web Services.

Whether your organization is still exploring serverless architecture or taking its first steps into a serverless world, we believe best practices are critical for successfully building robust, secure and reliable AWS Lambda-based applications.

We’ve designed this new AWS Lambda Security Best Practices e-book as a security awareness and education guide for organizations developing serverless applications on AWS Lambda. 

Get your free copy to learn about: 

  • AWS Lambda basics, including logging and audit trails
  • Serverless security’s top risks, including identity and access management
  • Scalability and how to avoid denial-of-service attacks
  • Compliance and governance for AWS Lambda with AWS Config

You’ll see how Prisma™ Cloud is uniquely positioned to secure AWS Lambda environments and serverless apps. The book will walk you through best practices you can use to design, develop and test your serverless apps to maximize efficiency and minimize security risk.

AWS® Lambda 是 Amazon Web Services 中的一项服务,是一个事件驱动型的无服务器计算平台。

不论您的企业是仍在探索无服务器架构,还是已经向无服务器环境迈出了第一步,我们都坚信最佳实践对于成功构建强大、安全、可信赖的基于 AWS Lambda 的应用至关重要。

为此,我们推出了全新的 AWS Lambda 安全最佳实践电子书,作为在 AWS Lambda 中开发无服务器应用的企业的安全意识与教育指南。


  • AWS Lambda 的基础知识,包括日志记录和审核跟踪
  • 无服务器安全面临的最大风险,包括身份与访问管理
  • 扩展能力以及如何阻止拒绝服务攻击
  • 通过 AWS Config 实现 AWS Lambda 的合规性与监管要求

您将了解 Prisma™ Cloud 为确保 AWS Lambda 环境和无服务器应用程序安全而进行了哪些针对性的设计。本书将指导您了解可用于设计、开发和测试无服务器应用,从而让效率最大化且让安全风险最小化的最佳实践。

AWS® Lambda 是一個事件導向型、無伺服器運算平台,屬於 Amazon Web Services 的一部分。

無論貴組織是仍在探索無伺服器架構,還是已經開始邁向無伺服器環境,我們都認為最佳實務對於成功建置強大、安全且可靠的 AWS Lambda 架構應用程式至關重要。

我們設計了這本全新的 AWS Lambda 安全性最佳實務電子書作為安全意識與教育指南,以供在 AWS Lambda 上開發無伺服器應用程式的組織使用。


  • AWS Lambda 基本知識,包括記錄和稽核記錄
  • 無伺服器安全性的主要風險,包括身分和存取管理
  • 擴充能力以及如何避免拒絕服務攻擊
  • 透過 AWS Config 滿足 AWS Lambda 的合規性與監管要求

您將瞭解 Prisma™ Cloud 為確保 AWS Lambda 環境和無伺服器應用程式安全而進行了哪些針對性的設計。本書將引導您瞭解可用於設計、開發和測試無伺服器應用程式的最佳實務,以便將效率發揮到極致並將安全風險降至最低。

AWS® Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform that’s part of Amazon Web Services.

Whether your organization is still exploring serverless architecture or taking its first steps into a serverless world, we believe best practices are critical for successfully building robust, secure and reliable AWS Lambda-based applications.

We’ve designed this new AWS Lambda Security Best Practices e-book as a security awareness and education guide for organizations developing serverless applications on AWS Lambda. 

Get your free copy to learn about: 

  • AWS Lambda basics, including logging and audit trails
  • Serverless security’s top risks, including identity and access management
  • Scalability and how to avoid denial-of-service attacks
  • Compliance and governance for AWS Lambda with AWS Config

You’ll see how Prisma™ Cloud is uniquely positioned to secure AWS Lambda environments and serverless apps. The book will walk you through best practices you can use to design, develop and test your serverless apps to maximize efficiency and minimize security risk.

AWS® Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform that’s part of Amazon Web Services.

Whether your organization is still exploring serverless architecture or taking its first steps into a serverless world, we believe best practices are critical for successfully building robust, secure and reliable AWS Lambda-based applications.

We’ve designed this new AWS Lambda Security Best Practices e-book as a security awareness and education guide for organizations developing serverless applications on AWS Lambda. 

Get your free copy to learn about: 

  • AWS Lambda basics, including logging and audit trails
  • Serverless security’s top risks, including identity and access management
  • Scalability and how to avoid denial-of-service attacks
  • Compliance and governance for AWS Lambda with AWS Config

You’ll see how Prisma™ Cloud is uniquely positioned to secure AWS Lambda environments and serverless apps. The book will walk you through best practices you can use to design, develop and test your serverless apps to maximize efficiency and minimize security risk.

Learn security best practices


Découvrez les bonnes pratiques de sécurité

Descubra las prácticas recomendadas de seguridad

Learn security best practices

Learn security best practices



Learn security best practices

Learn security best practices